From wikipedia:
Kwek-kwek − boiled quail eggs dipped in batter then deep fried, a popular delicacy. It is usually orange in color.
I think Aling McBeal’s golden kwek-kwek (sounds naughty :D) has the potential to be one of the world’s most expensive meals.
Heck, if it was golden balut, it can be the most expensive, terrifying meal in the world.
mmmm… kwek kwek…
mrL: u read rin pala…
Time for a science corner!
A boiling oil will never reach the temperature needed to melt gold before being evaporated.
waitaminute..alan said something abt a cloud kingdom..sound like this anime title: sainkoku monogatari (its also something abt a fabled kingdom in the clouds..)..i wonder what made alan use that term..