Confession Dec13 by Lyndon on December 13, 2007 at 8:57 am Chapter: Beerkada Comics If you committed an online sin, do you make a digital penance? └ Tags: confessional booth, downloads, Friendster, Hail Mary, Harry, Lord's Prayer, music, pc, penance, porn, prayer, priest, sabbath
hehehehehehe…this reminds of me Bruce Almighty…hehehehehehe…
hahahahahahahahhaaha…………copy paste…pastepastepaste
hahahahahahahahhaaha…………copy paste…pahahahahahahahahhaaha…………copy paste…pastepastepastestepastepastehahahahahahahahhaaha…………copy paste…pastepastepaste
yeah, but don’t forget, Jesus Saves…
My God!!! 5 gigs of porn!!