I didn’t translate this strip, because it only works as a tagalized play on words of Mythbusters.
It’s scary how Bryan looks like host Jamie Hyneman with just a moustache and a comb-over.
Old episodes of Mythbusters now play every weekday on Discovery Channel. Check your local cable listings.
Hahaha! A spoof from Mythbusters!! Yeah!!
I totally love Jamie! Brian looks like him, but he needs to practice a more deadpan and cool attitude.
Alan looks like Indiana Jones…
ang kulit…i like mythbusters…
kala ko bryan is turning emo hahaha i was wrong
on the first panel, bryan looks kinda like saddam hussein too.
Hey, waitaminit. If Psychocow’s been naked this whole time then does this mean besides being a bull with udders, he has ken-doll anatomy too? *shock* :-0 and to think, he’s a real ladies man–er–bovine(?), too.
mary: who knows what’s covered under that udder?
Will Jimmy be Grant Imahara, sometimes the unwilling “test Dummy”?
L: Um…butwe see Psychocow sideways and still zip. GASP! has psychocow been…”fixed?” :-O
Ooh! Boopey can be Kari and Glenn will represent Tori (with Chompy latched onto his shoulder, as usual) 😀
Well? Where’s the next myth?
That’s the myth: that there will be a next myth
I don’t get the last panel