Are you willing to purchase the 16GB iPad? Even with the US price of $499 (around P25k), seems pretty hefty. It seems that you are paying for an expensive netbook with nice touchscreen.
hmmm Ipad. I saw it on yahoo It’s like one of the giant stonee tablets only it’s not made from stone and its wayyyyyyy more advance. What If Mosses and God just wrote the ten commandments in an Ipad/ now that would be c0ol XD
Hey Mr.L I wana ask a question about your Komiks Trip in UPLB. Are you also bringing Pins and Hats to sell here? because they are kinda cute and the Men’s XXL shirt of the tres T-shirt is it also sold at 200 Pesos? Tnx Mr.L
feels a bit too unweildy in my humble opinion especially noting how thick the darn thing is, bet you could use it to exercise your biceps and triceps by just carrying it. Wish they designed it to be a bit sleeker. I get what L’s saying about mobile comics though but I prefer my comics in paper. Mas magaan sa bulsa at sa kamay
Mr.L I guess I have to settle for pins, I also have to save up for Somania On the 27th of Feb they say that Jesuke will be the host (yeah She is a girl and she is hot just check out her deviant art account)
@Jiro. I get my comics for free via torrents, masmagaan sa bulsa overall. iPad shuffle? isn’t today’s iPhone considered as the “mini” version of the iPad?
Are you willing to purchase the 16GB iPad? Even with the US price of $499 (around P25k), seems pretty hefty. It seems that you are paying for an expensive netbook with nice touchscreen.
Seems like the 2010’s answer to the PDAs and Palm Pilots of the early 2000s.
Ma-i-nit sa mata ng mga snatcher at holdaper i-naku
Wow apple sure started going downhill after the iPhone.
iPad just sounds like an unsanitary bad pun.
i personally feel the iPad may finally lead to true mobile comics. Have you tried reading Marvel comics on a smartphone screen?
It’s a digital photo album! So yah.. you can read your comics too..
hmmm Ipad. I saw it on yahoo It’s like one of the giant stonee tablets only it’s not made from stone and its wayyyyyyy more advance. What If Mosses and God just wrote the ten commandments in an Ipad/ now that would be c0ol XD
Hey Mr.L I wana ask a question about your Komiks Trip in UPLB. Are you also bringing Pins and Hats to sell here? because they are kinda cute and the Men’s XXL shirt of the tres T-shirt is it also sold at 200 Pesos? Tnx Mr.L
feels a bit too unweildy in my humble opinion especially noting how thick the darn thing is, bet you could use it to exercise your biceps and triceps by just carrying it. Wish they designed it to be a bit sleeker. I get what L’s saying about mobile comics though but I prefer my comics in paper. Mas magaan sa bulsa at sa kamay
I envision a future where these and other tablets becoming commonplace in schools that they have killed off the copier stalls in the USC.
Readings will all be in pdf
Jiro, it’s not thick, nor is it heavy. Think MacBook air minus the keyboard.
Kyokyo: pins, yes, hats, ubos na. xxl at P200.
what i want to know is, can i read a decade’s worth of manga without having to sit on my ass for 10 straight years?
Chompy it looked very thick to me, judging from the pictures.
L You could have a decade’s worth of manga pumped directly into your brain 🙂
yeah, but i forgot my password.
Shuffle nga! 😀
I think there was a china mp3/mp4 player called iPad, complete with the Apple logo.
Mr.L I guess I have to settle for pins, I also have to save up for Somania On the 27th of Feb they say that Jesuke will be the host (yeah She is a girl and she is hot just check out her deviant art account)
@Jiro. I get my comics for free via torrents, masmagaan sa bulsa overall. iPad shuffle? isn’t today’s iPhone considered as the “mini” version of the iPad?