Singularity Mar21 by Lyndon on March 21, 2011 at 6:01 am Chapter: Beerkada Comics This strip is based on a real conversation I had with Chompy and Ariel. The characters are playing Left 4 Dead 2. └ Tags: Bryan, Chompy, Glen, jimmy, Left 4 Dead, singularity, Vulcans
Battle LA is like a fast-forward version of Left for Dead. Fast moving zombies/aliens.
Left 4 Dead for the win! 😀
I think Battle LA is more closer to the gameplay of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 1 & 2 especially since it’s from a US Marine’s view of the fighting.
I thought a human’s first direct contact with a human race has aliens using something used to examine your digestive tract?
no funky weapons! yay for realism!
YOU live long, and I prosper. Heehee!