Have any of you entered a sauna? It’s just like taking a bus with weak airconditioning.
In May.
Or sitting inside a jeep that’s exposed to the May sun while waiting for more passengers.
And that blast of humid, suffocating air when you pour water over the hot stones?
It’s like sweaty passengers coming aboard, adding more to the humidity.
Except it doesn’t stink as bad.
And you’re naked, with only a towel to cover your parts.
I went to this wedding reception in Marina recently, where they served steamed oysters.
I saw this small, pulpy matter inside the shell, what’s left after being steamed for a short while.
That seems about right.
uh, too much information Lyndon. Thankyew for that graphic image. *shudder* I knew there was something I didn’t like about steamed shellfish.
THANKS.. really..Now, I can’t eat oyster.
The oyster had a cheese filling.
Now try not to think about THAT image.
uso ba sauna dito? sa america kasi uso yan dahil dry yung climate nila and di sila pinapawisan di tulad dito sa ‘tin na madalas pawisan.
way to go sa segue mo to oysters.
well, actually hinde. malayo yung comparison ng dalawa so di ko nakuha yung comparison mo ng sauna sa oysters.
Oysters are good aphrodisiacs. XD
I’ve tried sleeping inside a sauna. When I woke up I felt like a dried up siopao.
You know the thing about PhilCorinthian buses?
Their units are old. And summer is approaching.
Their air-cons are all at the center. There aren’t any adjustable vents per seat.
By 10am, the tropical heat will have overcome the air-conditioning.
And the worst thing about it is, you can’t open the windows.
Because it will let the ‘air-conditioning’ out.
Thank goodness for MannRose. Strong enough for a Mann, yet smells like a Rose.
It takes me away from those PhilCorinthian pine-scented air-fresheners.
hehe its too graphic …dried oysters….hmmmm hehehehe
Saunas are nice~ I like the crisp scent of wood. Too bad steam rooms are too suffocating.