ayos tong mga monks n ito ah… kumakain ng happy meal, nkasakay sa limo… dpat maghire rin ung mga monks (ung mga buhay pa) ng protector… like jackie chan… hehe
kung patay n ung monk n yun, edi marereincarnate ulit sya… ibig bng sabihin, may mabubuntis ulit? hmmm….
*is it even the REAL jet li?
*is the public image of Jet Li just a facade to enable him to kill without suspicion?
*will Fe train her daughter in the art of Kok Fu? Is Fe trained in martial arts and uses soda manipulation as an outlet?
“This story arc will be resolved in the years to come.” –> Great.. now we have to wait till the baby grows up.
I didn’t like the last panel either.. Too violent.. But when I think that the monk will be reincarnated (if he died) to a young body again, then that’s great. Besides, he already found the baby.
why not come up with a storyline na pupunta ung future baby goco (jaime marife’ ang suggestion ko) sa present to warn them of things to come… then mawiwitness ni baby goco ung cluelessness ni jimmy in the year 2000… prang phoenix n anak ni cyclops at jean grey… hehe…
Will there be an old x-men type alternate future? will the monk partner with baby goco (romantically din, di na naman siya monk pag na reincarnate siya di ba?)
while we were eating in a shabu-shabu restaurant, can’t just help laughing myself from the sight of trying-hard trans. Then this lobotomy popped up; of all things they have to lose, they lost what those ball-busters were dying to have.
anyway, back to the storyboard, i guess, jet li will eventually be overpowered by:
a: Jimmy
b: Fe
c: Baby Goco doing the Harry Potter
baby goco doing the harry potter? will it be like she will see the spirit of the monk (did he die? i think he did)and summons great magic against the evil doers…
wait a minute…
did L manage to get names to choose from for the “chosen one”?
hmmm… maybe the red thing in the last panel isn’t blood… it might be ketchup from the fast food burgers the monk was eating… may be they’re eating with jet li who seems to look like a relative of aling mcbeal….
Ken: I knew you’d read my last comment that way. I only meant that I applaud ballbusting sassy gals. FYI, did you know a psychologist once claimed that humans are all inherently bi? I think that has some merit.
But to set the record straight (no pun intended) I believe I’m mostly into dudes. In fact, the guy I’m crushing on is really into the ballbusting type. Seriously, he said if a girl suddenly Kicked his groin and told him to be her boyfriend right then and there, he would totally say yes. (I know it’s sorta weird and stupid but, hey, whatever floats his boat) I am just biding my time for an oppurtune ballbusting moment to win his heart. Timing is important in romance no?
No comments on your latter statement by the way. :d
lol, prattle all you want, needless to say, your freudian slip made your pun intentionally visible. If you’re referring to either Jung or Freud, this I may add, their paradigm works only to human psychology and not physiology. In psychology, there’s no such thing as normal, ergo, free-will but in-order for things to harmonize, you must adhere to ubuntu.
A Buddhist Feminist’s prayer
Lord Buddha, I deign thee, give me balls lest I bust thee.
wahehehe, parang teleseryeng inaabng abangan, can’t wait to see the next part
Great Beard!!!
nice one Mr. L!!! ð
i dont like the concept of the last panel, covered in blood, though… it’s like Jet Li killed the monks… o_O
no offense Mr. L
ayos tong mga monks n ito ah… kumakain ng happy meal, nkasakay sa limo… dpat maghire rin ung mga monks (ung mga buhay pa) ng protector… like jackie chan… hehe
kung patay n ung monk n yun, edi marereincarnate ulit sya… ibig bng sabihin, may mabubuntis ulit? hmmm….
L: does this storyline related to your Kok Fu storyline? ð
oops, wrong grammar… L: IS this storyline related to the Kok Fu storyline?
*is it even the REAL jet li?
*is the public image of Jet Li just a facade to enable him to kill without suspicion?
*will Fe train her daughter in the art of Kok Fu? Is Fe trained in martial arts and uses soda manipulation as an outlet?
“This story arc will be resolved in the years to come.” –> Great.. now we have to wait till the baby grows up.
I didn’t like the last panel either.. Too violent.. But when I think that the monk will be reincarnated (if he died) to a young body again, then that’s great. Besides, he already found the baby.
at least the last panel is in full color… lolz…
First it was Tibet…
Then they’ve even fired Anti-Aircraft guns at rainclouds over Beijing
The Chinese Shadow Council is really obsessed with anyone or anything that would make them lose face in the Olympics.
Now, why am I suspecting that Great Beard’s reincarnation would be Baby Goco’s love interest in the future?
The years to come? But I can’t wait that long!!!
i agree with Eize… we’ll die in excitement, haha
But then i think a brief fast forward to the future just for the sake of the story’s resolution would be nice tho…
Either way, I forsee a lot of kung fu (or kok fu) action when baby G grows up. Ah, I knew she’d be a ballbusting gal. Ha, Pay up ð
I won’t be surprised if the wacky old monk died intentionally ala obi wan kenobi in episode iv.
Why Jet Li? Whyyy?
“Great Beard” is going to haunt me for days.
why not come up with a storyline na pupunta ung future baby goco (jaime marife’ ang suggestion ko) sa present to warn them of things to come… then mawiwitness ni baby goco ung cluelessness ni jimmy in the year 2000… prang phoenix n anak ni cyclops at jean grey… hehe…
ano yan? the forbidden kingdom?
the beard wasnt even THAT great.
Will there be an old x-men type alternate future? will the monk partner with baby goco (romantically din, di na naman siya monk pag na reincarnate siya di ba?)
Great beard = “Odin’s beard!” ?
Why is Mary too fixated with ball-busting? Does she even have a boyfriend?
Ken: either that or she’s had her heart broken and is still on ‘keel all de men’ mode. Which is it ba, Mary?
Phoebe: maybe both… haha!!!
or maybe no one’s courting her… tsk tsk…
neither pheobs, I just like sassy girls. ð
while we were eating in a shabu-shabu restaurant, can’t just help laughing myself from the sight of trying-hard trans. Then this lobotomy popped up; of all things they have to lose, they lost what those ball-busters were dying to have.
anyway, back to the storyboard, i guess, jet li will eventually be overpowered by:
a: Jimmy
b: Fe
c: Baby Goco doing the Harry Potter
baby goco doing the harry potter? will it be like she will see the spirit of the monk (did he die? i think he did)and summons great magic against the evil doers…
wait a minute…
did L manage to get names to choose from for the “chosen one”?
let watch kung pow one more time …hehe
that’s one creepy jet li lookalike
hmmm… maybe the red thing in the last panel isn’t blood… it might be ketchup from the fast food burgers the monk was eating… may be they’re eating with jet li who seems to look like a relative of aling mcbeal….
is JET LI Aling McBeal’s Long lost son?
# Mary Says:
May 28th, 2008 at 10:30 pm
neither pheobs, I just like sassy girls. ð
now this proved my premise… either you are a lessie, or you secretly deign for a ball.
Ken: I knew you’d read my last comment that way. I only meant that I applaud ballbusting sassy gals. FYI, did you know a psychologist once claimed that humans are all inherently bi? I think that has some merit.
But to set the record straight (no pun intended) I believe I’m mostly into dudes. In fact, the guy I’m crushing on is really into the ballbusting type. Seriously, he said if a girl suddenly Kicked his groin and told him to be her boyfriend right then and there, he would totally say yes. (I know it’s sorta weird and stupid but, hey, whatever floats his boat) I am just biding my time for an oppurtune ballbusting moment to win his heart. Timing is important in romance no?
No comments on your latter statement by the way. :d
lol, prattle all you want, needless to say, your freudian slip made your pun intentionally visible. If you’re referring to either Jung or Freud, this I may add, their paradigm works only to human psychology and not physiology. In psychology, there’s no such thing as normal, ergo, free-will but in-order for things to harmonize, you must adhere to ubuntu.
A Buddhist Feminist’s prayer
Lord Buddha, I deign thee, give me balls lest I bust thee.
has Beerkada turned into 8-bit-theater?