Beerkada is a comic strip that appears six times a week in The Philippine Star. It tells the misadventures of a group of friends who met back in college. Now on its 9th year, Beerkada continues to celebrate life in the Philippines, from the campus days to the real world.

  • To find out more about the characters, click here .
  • To find out more about the creator, click here . is the best source for all things Beerkada on the web. It now boasts the following features:
  • the newest Beerkada strips served daily for you to enjoy and comment on, absolutely FREE;

  • an ever-expanding archive of classic strips, aged to perfection, and given an english translation for a global audience. Keep visiting the site to read all the Beerkada you missed out!
  • a search engine to seek out your favorite Beerkada moments;
  • a store-finder page to help you locate hard-to-find Beerkada books;
  • Google Adsense to pay for all this awesomeness. Click on it occasionally and support this site!
  • The Beerkada forum, where you can meet the Beerkadets , Beerkada’s devoted fandom (beware the Psychocow).
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