Otakon at Enchanted Kingdom! Anicon in Megatrade Hall!
Artists’s Den was busy promoting the November 22 Komikon during the Otakon and Anicon events.
I understand there’s going to be a Cosplay Mania 2008 a week from now in Megatrade Hall.
Although I liked Anicon for the Beerkada sales, Otakon featured free Enchanted Kingdom rides.
It was in Anicon that Chompy and I attended our first Maid Cafe in Manila. Sure enough, girls were cosplaying as French maids, and for a fee, they will sing and dance your favorite anime dance hits.
Chompy ordered a simple chocolate chip cookie, whereas I had to order a Yaki Udon. We both had to wait more than 10 minutes for participating sponsor Yoshinoya to deliver the noodles to us from their branch in the other building. After 10 minutes, our maid informed us of the delay in serving our Udon, and I fully expected a song-and-dance number of that theme song from that Melancholy anime in recompense. For free.
She served us a free iced tea, instead.
I was understanding. These French maids works hard for the money. So hard for it, honey. We better treat them right.
Thanks to Az and Psicom for inviting us to Otakon and Anicon, respectively.
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