Archive for August, 2009
If the Miss Universe pageant was like the UP Lantern Parade, Venenzuela would be retired to the Hall of Fame. Just to give others a chance. Also, Valenzuela and Venenzuela are not the same. Can you name the various aliens[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
As a comic strip in a mainstream newspaper, I barely show the characters drinking, much less very drunk (or as the Americans call it, shit-faced). On the other hand, it’s a real situation when young men have to drink with[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
How can a hipster like Glen survive an old-school drinking session? The answer is, he can’t. He can only hope his body can be preserved with all that alcohol.
Thanks to Psychocow for this drama in real life. A local brandy encourages its customers to look under the cap for instant prizes. Maybe one of the prizes is a liver supplement.
I really should buy that book “How to Win An Election”, because all I got is handing out sampe ballot forms with my name on it. Also, what’s this sense of despair among the beerkadets that I don’t have a[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…