Krispy Kreme doughnuts are great. 😀 Anyway eating just one of them in one sitting is like pure torture.
Hi Mr. Gregorio. This is Christine, (the one who ordered a boxed set during the Komikon). I was wondering when can I expect to get the boxed set? Not to sound impatient or anything. Thanks 😀
No visuals mr L
There’s no strip…
Moral of the story:
kawawang harry… he’s gonna die alone and now he’s diabetic…
err.. I haven’t tasted Krispy Kreme donuts (although I did pass them everyday when I worked in makati ages ago). they’re that sweet?
He probably ate one too many of the glazed ones. Really sweet stuff
It’s hard to eat only 1 in 1 sitting.
A local competitor, Gonuts! Donuts! sells low-fat and low-sugar varieties.
Krispy Kreme doughnuts are great. 😀 Anyway eating just one of them in one sitting is like pure torture.
Hi Mr. Gregorio. This is Christine, (the one who ordered a boxed set during the Komikon). I was wondering when can I expect to get the boxed set? Not to sound impatient or anything. Thanks 😀
This is what I like to call “Ultimate Karma: Krispy Kreme/Diabetes Style”
Woah… Ultimate Payback…
No More Free DONUTS FOR YOU!!! ( Says the almighty Fridgerator )
just realized, so we officially have 2 diabetic beerkada people: bryan and harry.