I’m thinking Monkey Monkey is similar to Sun Wukong of Journey to the West, Annabelle is like Bulma, and the Blue-Black Sheep is the main antagonist.
What’s YOUR nursery rhyme reinvention?
I’m thinking Monkey Monkey is similar to Sun Wukong of Journey to the West, Annabelle is like Bulma, and the Blue-Black Sheep is the main antagonist.
What’s YOUR nursery rhyme reinvention?
twinkle twinkle little star. 🙂
Her name is Twinkle and she fell down from up above the world so high. hehehe
Then there will be seven blue-black sheeps in which when all are collected together, the great baa baa the blue black sheep will grant you one wish. Anabelle has the sheep radar.
And it wouldn’t be complete without the pervy version of master buten. Only his green jokes and pervy action would be pinoy style.
Gon’s (Hunter X Hunter anime series) signature move is based on Janken. ^_^
Tagutaguan maliwanag ang buwan… pagbilang ko ng… nakatago na kayo… >>> ala Debtnote
Langit lupa impyerno… saksak puso tulo ang dugo… patay buhay… >>> ummm… my mind is full of death and gory stuff at the moment ^_^
Nanay tatay gusto ko’ng tinapay, ate kuya guto ko’ng kape, lahat ng gusto ko’y susundin n’yo, ang magkamali ay pipingutin ko… >>> An evil child controls the actions of his family members. Hmmm… wouldn’t it be nice if Vernon acquires such power.
ring around the Rosie? 😐
monkey monkey has the power of multiplicity… kasi, in the rhyme, we ask how many monkeys did you see last night…
mr. L try doing a comic using a bading version of our pinoy nursery rhymes… rami sa bubble gang nyan… hehehe
i like the nanay tatay suggestion by yani… morbid… hehe
how about the “i love you telebird, telebird” rhyme used for the jumping rope…
and what the heck is a blue black sheep… one of the questions left unanswered in our childhood…
London Bridge is falling down? 😐
Call me ethnically challenged but none of those nursery rhymes in the last panel ring a bell.
My favorite is my own version of this classic rhyme:
“Mary had a little lamb… (sing whole song)
and end with:
BURP *slarp* (lick fingers for emphasis)”
You wouldn’t believe how much the original rhyme plagued my childhood.
The Gold Saint Virgo Shaka (from the anime Saint Seiya) has the power to send his victim to the six levels of existence, from the spirit world to hell. All together now, “Langit lupa, impyerno…”
Speaking of which, I think Pugad Baboy did a spoof on this rhyme. It went like:
“Langit lupa impyernoI Im-im-impyerno,
Saksak puso, tanggal ang dugo! Patay! Buhay! Naglulupasay!
Tama sa puso, siguradong dedo! Tama sa ulo, titigil ang puso!
Aray! Aray! Che-che-garay!”
…to which Dagul and Polgas comment about the level of violence that kids are exposed to.
ring around the rosies was about the black or bubonic plague
for me, ice water
imagine the dirt on your shoes was a deadly virus spread by the simple touch….and when people go home, they don’t come back to play. I think this is a plot to get rid of all the competition.
Try Bahay Kubo–only with man-eating vegetables 😀
I finally received the boxed set 😀 Thank you very much Mr. L. I <3 you now :3
Definitely langit lupa.
well, you can always use Mary Mary Quite Contrary, which tells the secret story of Mary, Queen of Scots
[london bridge is going down] heh.
I’d likely bomb the london bridge… 😀 ( I meant with Fridges… )
ayos to! gusto ko rin ang tagu taguan!
taya tayaan