Keynote – apology Apr10 by Lyndon on April 10, 2010 at 6:17 am Chapter: Beerkada Comics *citation needed* └ Tags: george w. bush, internet, Jay, keynote, Psychocow, telenovelas
Ano ba yan? Kahit apology hindi attributed and sources.
Let me modify something said by Susan Roces: You have stolen ideas for your specches NOT ONCE BUT TWIIIIIIICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jay lacks originality
Saging lang ang may puso!! (Lapid, 2006) ?
dapat harvard-style ang citations. :))
I recognize the George Bush blunder in the second panel. haha
Kulang na lang, “Habang may buhay…”
Tha power of tha internet: Making speeches easy to lift. 😛