The magic of the tactic is you can start spitting even if the girl starts holding her hand up, or hits other parts of your body.
The magic of the tactic is you can start spitting even if the girl starts holding her hand up, or hits other parts of your body.
now this is the ultimate defense
dude!!! that’s gross!!!
dude! that works!!!
OMG! this particular strip is based on actual experience? Eww…please tell me the first panel on the next one isn’t.
Phoebe: Unlike Bryan, L’s version was just full of air, with little sprinkles of spit :p
Mr. L: i tried it once… but she ended-up slapping me again and again (she doesn’t care if she has SPIT-SPLAT over her face! LOL!)… so how can you say that it really works…??? hehe
Phoebe: every strip is based on actual experiences… ofcourse, it’s up to Mr. L’s artistic magic to make it more humorous… peace!!!
but still… it’s GROSS!!!
Chomps, this was based on L’s experience?! What did you do to the girl after this happened? was it fatal?
And the lesson here is: ladies, if some guy provokes you into to hitting him, better find out two things. 1) does he read beerkada and 2) if he has a girlfriend/wife. if the answers to both is yes, isumbong mo na lang sa gf. If the answer to 1) is yes and 2) is no, punch him straight on the mouth to block the flow. 🙂
No, no. Your fist would get a full blast. Better a nice hard upper-cut. >:-)
Rodney: you’re doing it wrong.
Mr L: So what do you suggest!?
Mary: if you use an uppercut, it will only deflect the spray upwards. mati-tilamsikan ka pa rin. on the other hand, if you punch straight through, you block the exit and reverse the force para malunok nya yung laway. 🙂
Oh Gawd, just kick the guy in his manfruit. Even if you get sprayed, he’ll still feel it in the morning.
Mary: getting sprayed from kicking a guy in the manfruit? A million guys just suddenly winced in agony.
*gasp* Mary! aiming a kick at the family jewels is NEVER an option. It’s just not done. I’m an advocate for castration as punishment for rapists, but inflicting testicular trauma during a fight (especially a petty one) is stepping way over the line. The only appropriate time for a woman to kick or knee a guy in the groin is if the man is mugging or assaulting her.
L:…Okay, I see where I got misinterpreted there. You’re right. It’s an EW and Ouch.
Pheobe: Well, I was merely going for an easy laugh with a groin assualt yolk, but if you ask me Pheobz, if a guy really is all set to spit on you (which I really think is one of the most extreme insults anyone could receive), then I think by all means a nice nutcracking is in order. I know I’d be extremely pissed if I were spat on, so If my gut reaction is to attack the dude’s nether regions then I can’t say it’s totally uncalled for. I would be after all provoked into doing it.
I don’t think it’s ever okay to spit on someone so guys who have a tendency to spit on girls have this kind of punishment coming to them.
Oh and Viva Lorena Bobbit! 😉
Mary: yes, spitting on someone is a major insult, but in the blowfish-defense case, it’s supposed to be warning. i.e., if you hit me, you get spat on. he did not spit on her unprovoked. IMHO, guys view a groin assault approximately the same way women view rape: traumatic and unforgivable.
If a guy ever dares to spit on you other than in defense, break his nose with a sharp upward jab using the base of your palm. the trick is to lock your elbow to add substantial force to the impact. I guarantee bleeding, plus, your knuckles won’t hurt.
Yeah you’re right, groin kicking should come after the spitting, but okay, to be humane, I won’t opt for that tactic.
Nose-breaking eh? Oooh, new forms of punish–er self-defense. Thank you Pheobe. 🙂
Groin Kicking? What if some guys you groin-kicked pinched your nipples? Sorry Chomps, but somebody just mentioned some taboo stuff
Ken: read my response muna before you go ballistic. I’m trying to disuade Mary from the practice nga e.
Ken: Just try to pinch a girl that way and consider your nuts busted.
Pheobe: Don’t worry, Pheobe, deep down I’m a real pacifist. 🙂
I wasn’t going ballistic Phoebz, just posting a what if. Being kicked in the manhood is painful, but being pinched in the nipples, I can’t fathom the pain.
Ano ba ito, we’re starting to sound like something out of the ultimate fighting championship. Awat na. 🙂
You see, Mary, even the idea of testicular assault raises the ire of men of all ages, races, and gender orientation. You kick one guy and every other guy around the world will feel it and take offense. Personally, I’m no pacifist. I just believe in mutual respect for boundaries. There are just lines you don’t cross.
I can teach you a whole lot of ways to inflict pain without ever crossing that line, but hopefully, you won’t ever have the occasion to use it.
But I thought you were accusing me of maligning you phoebz, I posted a what if question and you blew off on me when I wasn’t pinpointing at you, unless you’re with Mary. Gee, people should read between the lines.
Anyway, you’re absolutely right: inflicting pain on the genitals does raise the ire of the affected specie or gender.
A side note: With the Feministic point of View the male is of a different specie and for the Chauvinist, the female is the lesser of the specie.
But I was actually on YOUR side in this Ken. I just pointed out to Mary that I’m no pacifist. Being the fat girl in class growing up was no picnic and I’ve learned to teach bullies (male AND female) to not mess with me more than once.
I’m no radical feminist either. I’m for mutual respect and gender balance, not gender equality. Walang kwenta ang gender equality. Women who demand to be treated like men have no right to complain that men don’t treat them like ladies. It’s like Margaret Thatcher said, ‘being powerful is like being a lady. if you have to tell people that you are, then you probably aren’t.’
Ok then. Can anyone guess what happened to Indira Gandhi?
Assasinated by her bodyguards, I think. Why?
All this talk of taboo assault, female empowerment, assasination and pacifism is nice and all guys, but let’s wrap it up or go back to the blowfish topic before Chompy metes out her own punishment on us.
Anyway, I now understand the big Nono of attacking the male species. Until I learn the proper defensive martial art, maybe I’ll just get a mace or a tazer. 🙂
I pepper-spray for world peace! 😀
LOL. This ‘debate’ just made my day!
XD Ahahaha…
* Laughs at the pointless conversation *
* Laughs more when mishap finds out it is not a debate *
* Laughs much more when he finds out that it isn’t half way through a debate *
* Laughs much much more when he finds out life isn’t a always a debate *
* Laughs much much much more when he finds out that pointless conversations can make a good joke *
* Laughs much much much much more when he finds out existence is never valued by any human *
* Stops laughing when he finds out my Cat just died *