
Lico, Ariel and I decided to spend the last remaining months of 2012 food tripping. First up, Binondo. We arrived at Ongoing St., which was lined up by vendors preparing for the Chinese New Year. Various round fruits, turnips and mock gold nuggets were for sale.


Our first stop is Dong Bei, known for its dumplings. When we got there, two ladies were preparing dumplings by the entrance. When we saw the prices, we were floored.


14 dumplings for P100?! Then we tasted the dumplings.

Awesommmmme! Very fresh. I highly recommend this dumpling house, by the back of Binondo Church.


We proceeded to President’s Tea House for the main course, noodles. I’ve always had qualms about this place. Which president owns this tea house? Is the president a viable expert on Oriental cuisine.

Finally, we shopped for pasalubong in Salazar Bakery, where I finally located some Chinese mochi.


If you have questions about the location of Binondo, simply follow this guy’s direction.