What I like about this strip is that Psychocow turns from a Harry Potter parody… …into a Voldemort parody. And it makes sense, too, as Psychocow has always been a bull with udders. A pure-blooded mascot, if you will.
What I like about this strip is that Psychocow turns from a Harry Potter parody… …into a Voldemort parody. And it makes sense, too, as Psychocow has always been a bull with udders. A pure-blooded mascot, if you will.
Some of these lessons are based on real mascot ettiquette I found online. I wonder: is mascotry a form of furry lifestyle? That would explain the Jollibee scandal.
For those who don’t know, the mascots are dancing to a popular ad jingle from Knorr Seasoning.
Lara Carbonara is a parody of Hettie S., and The Blue Archer is a combination of the famed rival schools. They are also spoofs of Hermione G. and Ron W. Ron! Ron! Ron Weas-ley!