Come to think of it, didn’t the Ewoks fight old men (clones) and rookies? And even Jarjar can beat te worst cannon fodder in Star Wars (B1 Battle Droids)
It would be nice to learn from them. But keep them around too long and they will destroy your franchise and make you a target of ridicule.
Seriously, I saw a scene from a comic book where Deadpool blasted a guy’s head off when the man said he liked the Star Wars prequels and angrily demanded another guy to say “Jar Jar Binks is an abomination” at gunpoint (which the guy did out of fear).
“Say Jar Jar Binks is an abomination. SAY IT!”
In fairness, the ewoks were cunning. Naive, but very tactical.
Jarjar Binks is the conglomeration of decades-worth of character residue, an embodiment of everything unlikeable and despicable – then giving it a major role in a bigshot movie.
Hmm, George Lucas never did explain why the ewoks strongly resemble Chewbacca… they seem like miniature versions of him… Illegitimate children?
Ah maybe those ewoks are actually exiled descendants of the infamous care bears in the distant future… or maybe Chewbacca is the offspring of Shaggy Dog and Scooby Doo… maybe Jarjar Binks is actually a bastard kid of Barney and Elmo…
*groan* ok na sana yung ewok e must you include star wars’ most hated character?
die jarjar, just curl up and die!
Okay. So you hate JarJar. Might I ask why?
Nice strip BTW. Why is Glen missing? Too bad. 😀
meesa apathetic to jarjar XD
Come to think of it, didn’t the Ewoks fight old men (clones) and rookies? And even Jarjar can beat te worst cannon fodder in Star Wars (B1 Battle Droids)
It would be nice to learn from them. But keep them around too long and they will destroy your franchise and make you a target of ridicule.
Seriously, I saw a scene from a comic book where Deadpool blasted a guy’s head off when the man said he liked the Star Wars prequels and angrily demanded another guy to say “Jar Jar Binks is an abomination” at gunpoint (which the guy did out of fear).
“Say Jar Jar Binks is an abomination. SAY IT!”
That Gungan is a WMD.
All it takes is a Tribble
I just can’t wait for the live-action Avatar, the last airbender movie.
I’ll watch this when I have the time.
Woohoo! Remake! It’s like saying that Cameron will do a remake of Titanic.
Speaking of Avater: The Last Airbender… Anyone ever wonder why the title suddenly changed to “Avatar: The Legend of Aang?”
“The Legend of Aang” is the UK title. Apparently, “bender” means “homosexual” in British.
ay sus! can you say homophobic? so airbender means gay air?
Jiro: LOL!!! XD
In fairness, the ewoks were cunning. Naive, but very tactical.
Jarjar Binks is the conglomeration of decades-worth of character residue, an embodiment of everything unlikeable and despicable – then giving it a major role in a bigshot movie.
Hmm, George Lucas never did explain why the ewoks strongly resemble Chewbacca… they seem like miniature versions of him… Illegitimate children?
Cyanfox either that or genetic throwbacks. Sorta like how apes are related to monkeys maybe?
Ah maybe those ewoks are actually exiled descendants of the infamous care bears in the distant future… or maybe Chewbacca is the offspring of Shaggy Dog and Scooby Doo… maybe Jarjar Binks is actually a bastard kid of Barney and Elmo…