Bry-o-wulf – defending the frat house
Here ends the Bry – o – wulf Saga. I made one final strip but decided it was too risque for the mainstream press.
You can look at it here, if you want to. WARNING: some nudity ahead.
Here ends the Bry – o – wulf Saga. I made one final strip but decided it was too risque for the mainstream press.
You can look at it here, if you want to. WARNING: some nudity ahead.
This has to be the most epic ROFLMAO arc you’ve made. Keep the hilarity on coming
This has to be the most epic ROFLMAO arc you’ve made recently.
Can someone please explain what ROFLMAO stands for?
For the noobs, l33ts-wanna-be’s and for the general public, ROFLMAO simply means rolling on (the) floor laughing my arse off. Just kidding bout the noob and l33t things, but just merely explaining this archaic l33t-speak abbrevs
KenMikaze: Ooh. thanks. I gotta admit to being a bit of a “Jimmy” when it comes to cyberlingo. My familiarity only stretches to ROTFL. I understood MILF, and I’m guessing ‘noob’ means newbie, right? Now, what does l33t mean? =) Pasensya na.
ph03bz l33tz m34nz “elite” |n h4x0r lingo,
if you could break that, you may now have a headstart.
KenMikaze, you’re giving me a headache–and making me ask more questions =p let’s see… ‘phoebs l33tz means elite in hacker lingo’? Man, hackers must be lazy typists! they make up abbreviations for everything. they even have an abbreviation for at. they.made. an.abbreviation.for.a.TWO-LETTER.word. I wonder which hacker went, “Grr…If I have to type another ‘t’…’ =)
on the contrary Phoebe, they aren’t lazy typist,. H4x0r language is a sub-culture lingua-franca of the so-called “l33tz” from the early 90’s and it’s only carried on now by posers who want to feel and look “cool”. Originally, H4xor was created to sow pandemonium to the “FIBBIES” or FBI whenever they raid a suspected hacker. The simple extrapolation of characters to form words would then lead the FBI to wonder if those gibberish are codes which the geeks may have stolen from the “net” or viruses they may have created. H4x0r is also used to convey messages to the old BBS coded in order to thwart lusers and lamers who try to fit in their genre.
The abbrevs were created by the old-old “hackers” who typed into the computers which are too slow by todays standards. In order to save time and precious bytes, they would have to abbreviate most trivial sentences.
The @ sign isn’t really the abbreviation for “at”, rather it was appended to designate a name to a domain. It would be weird to have an email like this. isn’t it?
Thank you, Ernie Baron. Hehehe, just kidding. This is fascinating stuff. It makes things a bit confusing to a techno-illiterate like me, but I guess that was the original intent =) You gotta admit though, the abbreviations, short cuts and text lingo is seeping into our subconcious. I have a cousin who submitted his school report unwittingly using all text message abbreviations. Needless to say that the teacher was not amused.
cool explanation… can it be assumed to be the same reason to the rise of gay lingo? ^^
L: The bonus strip here isn’t complete. Missing dialogue.
How come noone’s commenting on how PsychoCow is also naked??
알덴, that is appropriately correct.
PsycoCow, Naked? i guess, he’s wearing a leather body suit
알덴: I forgot where I asked this, so I’m replying here. I know that the characters are in Hangul/Korean. What I’m asking is, what is the name in Roman characters, that is, in this characters I am typing right now, is it Jang geum or Jumong or whatever? I can’t keep on typing 알덴, can’t I call you Ann or Jane or something?
lol… ok i didn’t understand it correctly… its alden… that’s my name… but jumong would be nice too.. just kidding… ^^
Jumong it is.. jk.. so the hangeul in your name translates or romanizes to Alden? Okay. Yoroshiku.
yup yup… domo arigato… ^^
on a side note, Bryan and PCow are both NAKED
Damn “L’ I just saw the forbidden ending. . Im gona hurl