Car – seat Feb01 by Lyndon on February 1, 2010 at 6:19 am Chapter: Beerkada Comics It’s not even Alan’s car. He just borrows it from his dad. └ Tags: Alan, car, Glen, handle, hood, seat
Makes me wonder how Bumblebee feels when Sam and Mikaela roll out
What about the trunk? XD
TMI TMI!!!!!! Tora^2 I believe lilformers made a webcomic about that, real funny too
mmmmmmm.. it’s like reading an article on FHM.
if glen’s going to be squeamish, he should just buy a hazmat suit for riding in cars with his friends. alan and bryan are walking cootie carriers.
If Bryan had a car, may kasama nang langgam.
Glen will now rush to his shower and rock himself back and forth in a fetal position.
I am sure Glenn will feel the same way if he boards any taxi especially cabs that makes stops in Pasay and Pasig.
Tora, I’m never riding any taxi ever again!!!! D: