The Loving-Loving virus was written by Harry back during his college days. I think Tres kada has that backstory, now available in Powerbooks.
The Loving-Loving virus was written by Harry back during his college days. I think Tres kada has that backstory, now available in Powerbooks.
*LOL* love this strip.
slight correction, L, the Loving-loving virus is in the last few pages of Beerka Dos. Harry created it towards the end of sophomore year.
How cheap of them to recruit him so he can assume full ownership of his mess as a member.
They could have just hired his services and paid him royalties for the unlicensed use of Harry’s product.
It’s also very cheap of them to pay him in long obsolescent PhP5 bills. I doubt any bank or cashier would take them.
Way to advertise. Haha.
whoah… Phoebe’s just corrected L! Way to go Harry!!! you just created another mess. 5 peso bills? well, each bill will cost 20 pesos.
Harry should look for a collector or antique dealer willing to buy those Aguinaldos
you know what? in this strip,the hooded guy looks more like gandalf,, how remarkable, the resemblenc is incredible………..!
the illuminaughty was paying harry the 5 peso randy santiago bills…