House – parable Jul26 by Lyndon on July 26, 2008 at 5:50 am Chapter: Beerkada Comics Andrea could also share the parable of the girl who has NO EYES. └ Tags: Andrea, flying house, internet, parable
I actually got this on my inbox as well.
It’s an old chinese parable, one of the first stories we learn in chinese elementary school since it has 2 important lessons: the golden rule and respect your elders.
teh internet owns..
The Babylonians wrote Gilgamesh on clay tablets.
The Evangelists wrote the Gospels on Papyrus scrolls
Benedictine handcopied the Bible into linen manuscripts
Nowadays all you need is internet access, an email account or better yet an account with wordpress or blogspot
amen to that tora…
That’s a LOT of text… =p
HAHA! i forgot that they went back to time pala. i thought andrea was talking to the same indian guy who sold her the butterfly 😛
He should hear about the many tales of Chuck Norris!