Jay has a moment of reflection after his birthday party. Of all the characters in Beerkada, I feel this former activist has the most development.
Jay has a moment of reflection after his birthday party. Of all the characters in Beerkada, I feel this former activist has the most development.
L: all your characters developed in real time, that’s what makes them so relatable. Jay might have the most pronounced development, but all your ‘children’ have grown up just fine 😀 25 years from now I’m looking forward to reading about a bunch of middle-aged beerkada still sharing their lives, bantering, and nursing their drinks 😉
gosh phoebs..my sentiments exactly..its great to have all this real time and continuity and character development..and i can’t wait to see the beerkada turn into middle-aged men and women along with integrating new characters into their lives 🙂
tingzkie: L never lost sight of the long haul, he keeps adding characters, fading and sometimes re-introducing them just like what happens in real life. the original core beerkada members are Glen, Alan, Bryan, Jimmy, Jay, Dana and Boopey. The others were gradually introduced later, and so far, Dana, Apples, and Giselle have faded from the strip, while Fe and Andrea have become important characters. The next generation has neatly been set up via the introduction of Vernon and Chichi. Pang-habang buhay na ‘to.