Have you noticed that I only used the term MILF once for this storyline?
I didn’t want to have to explain the acronym everytime.
Have you noticed that I only used the term MILF once for this storyline?
I didn’t want to have to explain the acronym everytime.
Lol. What Jay did isn’t necessarily a bad thing.
I wouldn’t mind taking doing that for him if he got kidnapped again.
someone’s btter she didn’t got in on the action… jay had to do it… there was no other choice… hehe
Coerced by MILF… Jay had no choice… he couldn’t… wouldn’t and shouldn’t resist!
Nice twist, L. I’d imagine that the boy beerkadets are hailing you as a god right now.
wow cool twist! all hail kuya L! ohm! ohhhhhmmmmmmmmmm!
wahehehe if i’ll ever e put in the same position as jay..i wouldn’t resist either hehehe 😀
Apparently, the only male member of the Beerkada without some sort of playboy gene is Alan.
Jopoy: you’re wrong. Alan is just as lecherous as the rest of them. He just loves (and fears) Boopey more.
Brian would die of envy. Jay gets the women on the pain of death.
Jay kindda reminds me of Naruto’s Kakashi… =)
Phoebe: But isn’t Alan the one-girl guy of the group? A playboy is a guy who can attract more than one female, right?
OMG. I knew this would happen. Esp. with the MILF.
At first I thought the guys in the last panel were raising “the finger”, but then I realized: That’s physically impossible!
Correction: All the Beerkada male members have some sort of playboy gene, EXCEPT FOR HARRY!!!!
Jopoy: I guess it depends on one’s definition of ‘playboy’. my definition of it is a guy who doesn’t pass up an opportunity to ogle, flirt or pursue any girl he finds attractive.
I’d say Jimmy is the one-woman man of the group. He only found one woman attractive, and that was it. Harry has a playboy gene too, it’s just that his targets don’t respond positively to his advances.
Alan definitely has the gene, but keeps his wandering eye somewhat under control because of Boopey, whom he genuinely loves (and obviously fears). This doesn’t prevent him from occasionally looking or flirting–remember Giselle the overfriend? Alan’s done insane stuff to impress girls aside from Boopey too.
Wait,wait,wait, first, Tess Ubervillas, now Holden Caulfield? My. People seem to be reading a lot of classic these days.
This reminds me of PsychoCow’s adventure… “BROKE-BAKA” @ BFF… hehe
Rodney: same thought occurred to me. of course, the Brokebaka scene was much more r-rated, as both cowboys as well as Pcow were naked.
I knew something like this was bound to happen …..
Wonder if he could quiet down Tess with an intimate “1-on-1 interview”
Hey, I was reading the strip, and I couldn’t help but ask… what was the purpose of the kidnapping again? And how DID Tess escape?…
Phoebe: You’re right. I forgot about Jimmy…
When do you think Alan and Boopey are gonna get married? It’s been ages and it’s already obvious they were made for each other. They complete each other, help each other’s weaknesses with their strengths and have never been apart, even after a fight.
Jopoy: what’s the rush? Boopey isn’t finished with her studies yet, and neither is Allan. They’re already completely committed to each other, and Vernon is almost their surrogate son, so the wedding is pretty much just a formality in their case.
Don’t take this the wrong way, but maybe it’s because you’re still 18 that the wedding ceremony is such a big deal. From my side of things, the marriage is a just a contract signing with a big party, while true commitment between the two people is sealed long before they decide to get hitched.
hai naku, Harry is a maniac, although, a harmless one. Why the heck does he download porn?
Taray ni Phoebe… tsk tsk
Phoebe: Isn’t Alan already financially stable? His job as a beer advertisement guy gets him a lot of cash doesn’t it? I don’t see why he has to finish his second course now since he can’t try to avoid having a job anymore.
hala: quit trying to pick a fight. my comment was directed at Jopoy and I don’t hear him complaining.
Jopoy: financial stability really isn’t the only consideration when it comes to these things. I’d imagine L will get around to getting them married off, but I won’t bet on it being anytime soon. it took Boopey 4 years into the relationship before she finally gave in and told Alan that she loves him. Alan told Boopey he loves her in BeerkaDos, but Boopey said ‘I love you’ to Alan for the first time in BFF.
Phoebe: Heh heh… I’m really clueless when it comes to relationships… to tell you the truth…
But the reason is definitely not katorpehan…
Jopoy: don’t worry, it’s not rocket science–it’s much more complicated, actually. There are no guidelines and no ‘correct formula’, and there are a thousand wrong ways to go about it. The good news is you’re going to enjoy the company even if you have absolutely no idea what you’re doing and where you’re heading. 🙂
Phoebe: Sounds like you’ve been there. Thanks, Ate.
About that last sentence though, sounds like my relationship with my best friend, even literally. Hehe…
Jopoy: that’s probably because friendships are relationships too, just not the romantic kind. If you think about it, the only difference between a friendship, romantic relationship, and familial relaionship is the ‘how’. in all three cases, you love the person, you care about their welfare, and you conciously make them a part of your life. 🙂
Phoebe: You really are the Ate on this site… Thanks again…
no charge 🙂
SCORE!! haha!