Pooch – brother Jul21 by Lyndon on July 21, 2009 at 7:30 am Chapter: Beerkada Comics Misa-Misa will go through boyfriends like Glen goes through shirts without bitemarks on their shoulders. └ Tags: boyfriend, dog, Glen, Misa-Misa, Monsy mouse, Pika-Pika
she’s definitely Chomp’s puppy look at that expression on the third panel pure Chompy. I enjoyed Glen’s reaction dun sa last panel waaaay too wicked. So as per Jopoy’s question in the earlier strip… how come Glen can understand puppy-speak?
I swear, Psychocow’s going to rant about talking animals in comic strips.
Great…. A doggy version of Gossip Girl/90210 2.0/The Hills.
Seed of Chompy: interspecies romance of death.
I wonder why isn’t it all translated in english for the site?
glen is a dog whisperer?
either that or prolonged exposure to countless chomps has left him delusional
@jiro i think its the latter… i think glen needs anti-chompy vaccine…