If a child comes to you, and if he laughs, if he has golden hair, if he doesn’t answer your questions, you’ll know who he is. If this should happen, be kind! Don’t let me go on being so sad: Send word immediately that he’s come back.
And Boopey will prosecute his ass.
Ahhh, Nigerian scammers – the perfect thing to lob the MPD SWAT Team at
That kid needs to be bitten by a snake.
Is that Boopey on a WonderWoman outfit??? just curious… 😀
Boopey’s got the hips for the Wonder Woman outfit so win na win!!!! Didn’t know the lil prince was nigerian
I don’t think he was…Nice outfit though.
Just say the word and His Majesty gets knocked out and cuffed for the cops to pick him up.
That reminds me… One time, a guy claiming to be from the M78 Nebula tried to pull the same thing only to be revealed as a scammer from the planet Zarab when he got into a fight with a giant monster named Gomorah. Impostor couldn’t shoot Specium Beams from his hand to save his life.
The most embarrassing part for the Zarab scammer?
The Ultra Fail incident got uploaded on Youtube:
I can’t wait to see who will provide the “extra inches”…