I don’t see the point of the ad because we always see him and other anthropomorphic cartoon characters like Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Hamtaro and Pikachu wearing nothing but the fur on their backs and it’s considered worsksafe
Here is what I can say. I googled the Pamela Anderson version here in the office and it was intercepted by our firewall. Now you have Psycocow’s version and I am viewing it here on my workstation.
Psycocow’s version is relatively more worksafe since he has all that fur cover everything. Plus, he’s male and to be shown topless if you’re a guy is perfectly legal (unless you’re in marikina).
However, Pam Anderson does not have the fur and only has creative poses and camera angles to cover those parts of her body and viewing that ad from the office can get me memoed, suspended or demoted.
Ooh, sexy. PCow, the sex symbol. What’dya think, B? 🙂
in the first panel of the strip mukhang mali ang mukha ni jay since nawala ang mata nya sa kanan
throwing up all I ate for breakfast…
did jay become a cyclops after the storyline?
Mr. L : i hope you have sumtin store for Jay’s eye…
kung wala, ibalik mo nlang mata nya!
I don’t see the point of the ad because we always see him and other anthropomorphic cartoon characters like Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Hamtaro and Pikachu wearing nothing but the fur on their backs and it’s considered worsksafe
Okay… That’s gonna haunt me in my nightmares…
Leo: Search for the original ad to compare 😛
Holy Humungous Billboard Ads! My eyes are blinded!! (like Jay’s)
Not even Alan’s blindness can protect him from the BILLBOARD! Hehe…^^
ohhh! i saw those posters in the website in peta. i think that was pamela anderson…
First panel in the strip.. Jay has his eye back!
Here is what I can say. I googled the Pamela Anderson version here in the office and it was intercepted by our firewall. Now you have Psycocow’s version and I am viewing it here on my workstation.
Psycocow’s version is relatively more worksafe since he has all that fur cover everything. Plus, he’s male and to be shown topless if you’re a guy is perfectly legal (unless you’re in marikina).
However, Pam Anderson does not have the fur and only has creative poses and camera angles to cover those parts of her body and viewing that ad from the office can get me memoed, suspended or demoted.
Tora, what’s with marikina? what’s more perfect than an Adonis type bod? Anyway, WitWIIIIWWW!!! nice cow, nice….
In Marikina, it’s illegal for guys to around in the streets without a shirt on
I know where all of you live. I will go to your houses one by one and skin you all.
psychoCOW: Bring it on Leather Skin!!!
PsychoCow: promise? 🙂
It’s not Pamela Anderson! Although she did some promotionals for PETA.
Christy Turlington… PETA “I’d rather go naked than wear fur…”