I was so disappointed to learn that Archi students can just buy these model houses and trees from the store! I thought all of them were lovingly handcrafted painfully by the students but noooooo…. i was fooled!!! We were all fooled!!!
Trivia: Lei asked me to modify the last part by adding the CHOMPZILLA. Otherwise, it looked like Chompy was reprimanding Mini-Chomps for destroying the model.
That battle she had with a huge Jellyfish stuck to Glenn at a powerstation in Batangas comes to mind
i first thought it was the imperial death march, then i realized it was missing “duh duh duh duuuuhh”
a bit more bigger scale then we have ultragirl with ultradog!
I was so disappointed to learn that Archi students can just buy these model houses and trees from the store! I thought all of them were lovingly handcrafted painfully by the students but noooooo…. i was fooled!!! We were all fooled!!!
please tell me chompy actually did this.
saang song ulit galing yung duh duh duh duhmm?
Super like! ^^
Trivia: Lei asked me to modify the last part by adding the CHOMPZILLA. Otherwise, it looked like Chompy was reprimanding Mini-Chomps for destroying the model.
simon says by pharoahe monche
Mary: If I did, the video would have already been posted. 😀 I’ll try, it’s a good one right? 😀