The funny thing was, my brother and I were talking about his friend who was asked to give a keynote speech to a grade school graduation ceremony. We were joking that she could google famous speeches and string them all together (‘coz kids are stoopid, yuk).
And then the Manny Pangilinan Scandal hit.
I’m imagining his speechwriter being dragged from the office the day after, laughing, “IT WAS WORRRRRTH IT! HAHAHA!”
I can see the look in the faces of all those graduates who took great pains to follow rules of attribution, really do their research and brush up on their spelling and grammar on their theses and and term papers and you have Mr Keynote speaker ruin their moment with such a speech.
Makes you want to wish a certain campus legend named Alan Polantoc intervenes.
alan polantoc is famous for snatching the keynote speaker after all so why not?
To be precise, Alan is famous for making scenes at graduation ceremonies at the University.