Splurge – book Jul06 by Lyndon on July 6, 2009 at 6:03 am Chapter: Beerkada Comics Starbucks has coffee. Starbucks has tables. But Starbucks doesn’t have coffee table books. FAIL. └ Tags: book, book sale, coffe table book, Fully Booked, Jay, magazine, Psychocow
lol i’ve got lots of coffee table books but no coffee tables. Heck I don’t even like coffee 🙂
oo nga naman…
I still prefer Booksale given the surprises each branch has to offer
Well… given that booksale offers second hand books that are no longer in print (like gems by Robert Heinlein) I concur to that Tora^2 still it wouldn’t be spluring kung Booksale ka pupunta di ba? lol.
The Booksale stall near our classroom in Benitez are one of my fondest memories from my short stint in UP as a CPE student
hey, if jay is so rich, why won’t he get an eye transplant?
blueranger: my sentiments exactly. at least man lang eyepatch.
Nagpapauso si Jay.
Actually, only corneas can be transplanted and not whole eyeballs.
Jay’s whole right eyeball was lost
If it appears he still has that eye then. that would be a non-functional glass eye.
A real status symbol would be if he were transplanted with a cybernetic eye
but that wouldn’t be Jay, he’d splurge but not that much hehe