Tulku – clueless May27 by Lyndon on May 27, 2008 at 5:47 am Chapter: Beerkada Comics So does that mean that Jimmy was…? └ Tags: Baby Goco, Child of Ages, fe, jimmy, monk, paddle-ball, reincarnation, toy
Good one, L! rotfl
how providential XD
Ooh. Conflicting powers.
I got an idea for a name for Baby Goco, how about Clue? It’ll make a nice joke: everyone says Jimmy is clueless, so then Jimmy decides to name his baby ‘Clue’, so he won’t be ‘clueless’ anymore.
What a tangled web Jimmy weaves. Sigh, someone get the scissors.
Wow….Reincarnation must’ve run in the family.
Is…that…a…Glen and Chompy plushie on the beerkada banner? I want a set!
i like the “clue” reasoning. 🙂
Phoebe.. Shh… (Got your email, forgot to reply).. Will post announcement on that soon..
So that’s why Baby Goco was a reincarnation of the Child of Ages. Coz Jimmy is the reincarnation of cluelessness. Nice storyline.