Why is the large Jimmy plushie like Lyndon Gregorio?
They both totally sold out.
Thanks and congratulations to everyone who bought the Jimmy plushies! Keep them in a relatively pristine state, because they’ll be valuable within a decade on eBay!
waaaaaaaaaaaa T_T Pristine state?!! I should have bought 3 large Jimmy plushies. One will be the traveler, the other a pillow and lastly a collector’s item.
Hey, L, how about a chompable Glen doll? I bet that will sell like hotcakes. 😀
Phobe: The term is chompflatable doll 😀
That would be really great though! Now I just need to look for manufacturers.. hmm..
huwaaat?! whut do you mean by that? there won’t be any more new stocks coming? i wuz hoping on buying pa naman sa manga event at the end of the month.. :((
Chompy: a mini-chompflatable sounds good to me, easy to ship pa because it’s flat. I was thinking more in the lines of a plushie glen which would be ‘chompable’ without deflating. If you find a manufacturer who could produce small batches inexpensively, you could issue the whole gang (either chompflatable or plushie, whichever is more practical) and maybe pwedeng gawing sets of 4 or 8 attached with suction cups instead of keychains so we can suspend them in our workstation or from a car’s rear winshield. another idea would be beerkada bobble heads. or plastic figures like those collectible snoopys from mcdonalds a few years back. I’m thinking of tchochkes we can proudly display on our worklstations for our officemates to drool over 😀
Phoebe: Ah.. Iba nga naman ang chompable sa chompflatable (Me thinks, me prefer the former :D)
tchochkes ?
Monsy! Matt ka na ngayon? :p The previous supply is officially sold out.. We might produce a new batch of plushies, but we don’t know when yet. Keep watching this site for updates 🙂
Chompy: Displayable knicknacks and/or souvenirs 😀
B-But if I wash my plushie to keep it in minty condition, then the dirt and bacteria from the day I bought it will be destroyed! It’s sentimental value will decrease! Hey L do you think you could wipe your sweat on my plushie after I wash it to give it added quality again?
What? @_@
This is a bit off topic but I would like to share a Beerkada shirt experience. I was in the front desk of a building and logging out when an old lady said to me, “I am an Aquarius. What’s your sign?” At first I was a bit confused of what she was talking about. Then it occurred to me that she was referring to my Beerkada shirt. I told her there’s more in the back so I turned around for her to read the back of the shirt. I finished logging out then she asked me step back a little so she could read the front of the shirt again. She laughed, told me it was funny and she thanked me for the laugh.
Many have admired the Beerkada shirt I own but the story I shared is the most recent and most remarkable so far.
I therefore conclude that Beerkada shirts can be used in HUMOR THERAPY in the Health fireld. I’m hoping to own a Beerkada style scrub uniform. 😀
Yani: *huggles* Thanks for sharing! We should put up a separate area for Beerkada Testimonials.. Hmm..
Chompy, that’s a great idea. I got lots of laughs from my beerkada screensaver at the office.
Chompy: That I idea i would suggest in the forums but you beat me to it. 😀
waaahhhh i was hoping i can buy 2 big plushie and 1 small one sa swimming EB 🙁
@Chompy: hehe.. forgot i used Monsy here.. am used to being called Matt na kasi.. sorry for the confusion..
*crossing fingers that the new batch would come really soon*