Bill – the slip Apr30 by Lyndon on April 30, 2010 at 5:24 am Chapter: Beerkada Comics └ Tags: ambulance, Chompy, manila biller, police
Why hasn’t the COMELEC acted on the Manila Biller? She’s violating rules on common poster areas?
perhaps the commissioners has “something” blocking their view..
wha-at? andrea is everywhere.(she’s in her cat suit right?)
Check out the adsense banner for the page. LOL. Kris Aquino Online?
Andrea’s catsuit makes another appearance 🙂
why do I have the feeling that the ambulance driver is next to be billed?
COMELEC can’t even control Villar’s pre-election season billing, they don’t have a chance with a rogue volunteer.
Also, faces are a gray area when it comes to common poster areas.
this looks like something from Silence of the Lambs.
“biller of the lambs” starring andrea chompkins! 😀
*notes ariel’s comment and inserts Alfred Hitchcock’s ‘Psycho’ BGM* Parang appropriate for some reason eh *hides*
Incidentally, I’m not voting, I didn’t manage to get registered again hehe