The narcotic extract from banana peel is an urban legend.
The boys areĀ starting to read from the pages of The Anarchist’s Cookbook.
I think I just got flagged by Homeland Security. Tell my parents I love them.
The narcotic extract from banana peel is an urban legend.
The boys areĀ starting to read from the pages of The Anarchist’s Cookbook.
I think I just got flagged by Homeland Security. Tell my parents I love them.
is that bryan sniffing a banana peel.
The Terrorist’s Handbook and Anarchist’s Cookbook are really dangerous books for boys.
They come in handy every New Year’s Eve if you don’t want to brave the traffic to Bocaue and find locally available 5-Stars and Picolos to be loud enough
The Dangerous Books for Boys seems to be a Boy Scout Manual now that they’ve mentioned knots.
hmmm… the book looks interesting…
speakig of the anarchist cookbook, it’s full o BS!! some of the materials listed there are unobtainablefrom local hardware stores.
we couldn’t even use that book for our troop meetings. pfft.