My original reason for Captain Namo’s eyepatch was the accidental scratching, but the lasik surgery generates more laughs later on in the storyline.
I don’t like spelling out the references contained in this strip. Can you supply them for me through the comments?
Treasure Island meets Moby Dick meets Captain Nemo.
Is it just me, or are there two strips for the browsing of one?
what’s lasik surgery. . . wait. it’s not plastik surgery,is it.
The last panel’s of both strips are different…
I like the 2nd one though.
actually, captain nemo is in 20,000 leagues under the sea and the mysterious island. Moby dick had Ishmael and Captain Ahab. Nautilus is also the underwater ship in 20,000 leagues
Chompy, sorry for this second post,
It seems Alan will get his normal eyesight back after this set…
It appears you’ve been reading up on your seamen’s rags. Would Master & Commander be the next reference to come?
captain namo… what a catch
Just re-read 20,0000 Leagues under the Sea. Capt Nemo and the crew of his sub fought a Colossal Squid in the book
Long John Silver(io) is the antagonist in “Treasure Island”, Captain Nemo, the Nautilus (the submarine in the original) and the kraken (a.k.a. Collosal Squid) are in “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea”, and the eyepatch is what happens when pirates don’t have anything worthwhile to do in between coastal raids. Long John looks like Captain Jack Sparrow anyhow, so this tale is a mix of the sea tales.
Captain ‘Namo… It’s fun saying it over and over, making sure to pronounce each syllable correctly. Hehehe, nice one. 🙂