Gravy Feb11 by Lyndon on February 11, 2012 at 12:40 pm Chapter: Beerkada Comics I mean, who mixes starch with dairy? Okay, besides mashed potatoes. And cheesy fries. └ Tags: Buddy, Ellen, fries, gravy, sundae
Isn’t unlimited gravy one of those “onli in da pilipins” things?
I like dipping french fries in sundaes..
I have a friend who dips her breakfast toast in 7up or coke…so yeah…
Reminds me of a budget meal we’ve enjoyed back in college – chicken strips and mashed potatoes drowned in gravy.
And there’s a variation claiming to be beef teriyaki – sweet beef, veggies including bean sprouts and mashed potatoes all drowned in gravy.
It may be over one’s RDA for cholesterol but it’s cheap, delicious and filling