that was the strategy used by founder of MILF… to get a porn-sounding name so they won’t be taken seriously and then *BAM* they Blow something up… and that is also why the soldiers try desperately to locate them… there might be a possibility that the MILF really is composed of MILFs…
His first Iron Jay suit: Looks like an aircon (in contrast to Iron Man’s old suit which looks like a furnace), which shoots out pillboxes and picketrockets.
In the world of pr0n, MILF means Mom I Like to F____
I do hope this strip does not affect the Moro Islamic Liberation Front in the same way that infamous Danish editorial cartoon (where an Arab was depicted as haviing a bomb for a turban) has stirred the Islamic world
what the f@#$^%! S%&@ MILF’s? wow is this in the dailies? i can imagine the great interpretative leeway kuya L had here. hehehe MILF’s and our very own MILF i didnt see that one coming… hehe iron jay ! wooooott!
I don’t see why they had to bomb and abduct Jay into building them one. They could have just seduced him then and there into making one rather gouging his eye out for it.
revo and tora^2: did it ever occur to you guys that MILF might stand for Militants I love to Face or Militants I love to Fight? lots of words begin with the letter F and not all of them are dirty y’know.
hey cool it guys were all guys and ate phoebe’s a girl so lets just give her respect though.
hehe still the F has a lot of meanings, Im the Boy here! HEHEHE ate phoebe make palo na lang me if im naughty!
Besides the loss of an eye, I think Jay’s living every man’s wet dream, if he’s into bondage and playing it rough. How is this a bad situation for him? :-d
Anyway, pheobe I bet you’re like a hot franchette type, aren’t you? I ca just tell. 😉
where is L going with this Jay and hot militants storyline?!
Ayumi: You’ll note that L left the 2nd letter of his F word ambiguous. if your dad and brother object, just sweetly poin out that there are lots of words that start with the letter F, and if they’ve jumped to the worst conclusion, they’re the ones with the dirty minds. Some constructive ‘pagpi-pilosopo’ might be in order here. 🙂
that was the strategy used by founder of MILF… to get a porn-sounding name so they won’t be taken seriously and then *BAM* they Blow something up… and that is also why the soldiers try desperately to locate them… there might be a possibility that the MILF really is composed of MILFs…
*LOL* I knew it was just a matter of time before L came up with an idea that involved the MILF concept.
lol, I see “Iron Jay” here
PIlandok: Possible. He’s got the technology for it.
His first Iron Jay suit: Looks like an aircon (in contrast to Iron Man’s old suit which looks like a furnace), which shoots out pillboxes and picketrockets.
Just wanted to say it…
In the world of pr0n, MILF means Mom I Like to F____
I do hope this strip does not affect the Moro Islamic Liberation Front in the same way that infamous Danish editorial cartoon (where an Arab was depicted as haviing a bomb for a turban) has stirred the Islamic world
what the f@#$^%! S%&@ MILF’s? wow is this in the dailies? i can imagine the great interpretative leeway kuya L had here. hehehe MILF’s and our very own MILF i didnt see that one coming… hehe iron jay ! wooooott!
reminds me of cosplaying babes
I don’t see why they had to bomb and abduct Jay into building them one. They could have just seduced him then and there into making one rather gouging his eye out for it.
Maybe it’s much smarter for them to abduct Harry instead… hehe
Yup, it’s “Iron Jay” all right, except that it’s his eye that has a hole. Wait, I almost forgot about that car battery on his chest.
Jay Bilasko as… Bakal Man… or Bakal Boy… hehe
revo and tora^2: did it ever occur to you guys that MILF might stand for Militants I love to Face or Militants I love to Fight? lots of words begin with the letter F and not all of them are dirty y’know.
oooooohhhhh….so that’s what milf means….
Phoebe: I agree.
Phoebe: You seem to be pretty much the voice of reason on this site. That’s good.
Jopoy: I’m probably what passes for the senior citizen of the site. it’s the duty of the old to steer the young out of too much mischief. 🙂
Phoebe: You mean like those wizards such as Gandalf, Yoda, etc., only that you’re a girl?
Jopoy: Hardly. More like your lola telling you that if you spend too much time thinking dirty thoughts, you might turn into a congressman.
Phoebe: Hey! Just because I’m a boy doesn’t mean I always have dirty thoughts.
*LOL* my, aren’t we defensive.
Phoebe: By the way, how old are you? Really? I just turned 18 on July 1. Ha! Now you have to answer me because I told you my own age.
Jopoy: 33. almost twice your age. 🙂
You gave it up without a fight? Hehe. That was unexpected.
Don’t worry. Your secret’s safe with me.
what secret? I think I’ve mentioned it twice on the site na. I don’t have a problem with my age.
Militants I lurve to finger(poke)? now that’s ubercool… wish what BakalJay would look like.
Whats with you guys terrorizing Phoebs about her age? Leave Grams Alone!!!
hey cool it guys were all guys and ate phoebe’s a girl so lets just give her respect though.
hehe still the F has a lot of meanings, Im the Boy here! HEHEHE ate phoebe make palo na lang me if im naughty!
revo: cool your heels boy. before you make any inappropriate suggestions, you should probably know I look like Aling McBeal.
As for Jay’s soon-to-be-revealed superhero name, I’m leaning towards ang lalakeng nakikibaka, Ang Bakero.
Phoebe: You look like Aling McBeal? seriously? hehe… :))
Rodney: yep. minus a few wrinkles of course. just picture aling mcbeal with eyeglasses and franchette’s hairstyle. 🙂
Besides the loss of an eye, I think Jay’s living every man’s wet dream, if he’s into bondage and playing it rough. How is this a bad situation for him? :-d
Anyway, pheobe I bet you’re like a hot franchette type, aren’t you? I ca just tell. 😉
where is L going with this Jay and hot militants storyline?!
so, is mary into S and M?
Mary: if you’re really curious send me your email address via the Beerkada Forum. 🙂
Anyway, I’m just wondering how this got into the newspapers.
Plus, my DAD and my BROTHER will kill me if they see me reading this….
The boys in my barkada might just read this…..I better delete this site from my favorites before they find out…
Ayumi: You’ll note that L left the 2nd letter of his F word ambiguous. if your dad and brother object, just sweetly poin out that there are lots of words that start with the letter F, and if they’ve jumped to the worst conclusion, they’re the ones with the dirty minds. Some constructive ‘pagpi-pilosopo’ might be in order here. 🙂
kung ganyan lang talaga ang MILF dito sa pinas, they can even take my ARMM out of its socket..