Milk – Mule Oct11 by Lyndon on October 11, 2008 at 6:05 am Chapter: Beerkada Comics If that condom ever breaks inside cow’s stomach, Psychocow would get a whole lot creamier. Ew. └ Tags: clown, crime, Maleena, milk, panda, Psychocow, smuggling, string, wrestling
The crime boss looks like Creepy Guy 🙂
I have this odd vague feeling that I saw these in a movie somewhere. Must be experiencing de ja moo.
Sad to say… I didn’t get this. I think this is the strip that requires higher intellectual understanding to understand the humor… Or was it just me?
S2Chard: same here.
I thought this story arc will turn out like the movie Paycheck. Meh.
The Creepy guy’s stubble is more distributed throughour lower part of face
The whole story must have been inspired by a depressing expose’ wherein Pinays were duped by illegal recruiters to be drug mules in Malaysia.
S2chard and R.A: Yes. It’s just you guys.
eww.. pandan milk
Phoebe: what leo said.. actually, crime boss looks a lot more like the real Psychocow person. 😀
chard and ra: have you tried reading from the first strip? Grabe.. almost two weeks long ang storyline na ito 😀 ok.. maybe one and a half weeks..
squee: it’s PANDA milk.. not pandan.. or was that a typo error on your part?
…what’s a milk mule?
a milk mule- just like a drug mule. a human carrier for some obvious and ubiquitous baggage.
Chompy: crime boss looks looks like the real Psychocow? gwapo pala c Bi. 🙂
ah, tnx K!
kaya pala the crimeboss looked familiar! astig!