Picketrocket Jul05 by Lyndon on July 5, 2008 at 6:07 am Chapter: Beerkada Comics Hancock beats the picketrocket because Hancock defaces the moon. └ Tags: Harry, Jay, picketrocket, protestnology
And how many NORMAL pickets can you make with the price of one picket rocket?
Touche!. cool Iron man reference, will we see a hulk reference soon?
HANCOCK!!! hehehe, why’dn’t harry think of that first…
Too bad the rocket only works at night.
Jopoy: the first panel indicates that Jay’s demonstration happened in the morning.
Very apt for the American Independence day – launch one in front of the US Embassy as Ambassador Kenney and her staff have theirholiday Barbecue.
As they chomp down on their grilled steaks, burgers and hotdogs they get to see the Message:
“NO TO US HEGEMONY!” lighting the skies over Roxas boulevard.
The perfect way to for us to make their 4th of July memorable
Phoebe: How can fireworks work in the morning?
jopoy: use it in a dark room.
Jopoy: malay ko. I’m just pointing out that Jay’s demonstration is in the morning as per the first panel. Take it up with L 🙂
i want an ob gyne plushie… just saying…
@Phoebe and Jopoy, maybe the room was dark. I mean.. it was only a demo, right?
Matt: fireworks…indoors?
Wait! Maybe the words are formed by ionized particles of metal that are charged in some kinda way to bond and form this message…
… Oh Physics. Why do you do this do me?!
Bianca: That sounds logical…… I guess…
may be kuya L was trying to save on black ink on the first panel but look at the 3rd one, its black! wich “concludes” that jay and harry did it at night.
that didnt sound right…
You owe us an explanation Mr. Lyndon…
So you guys don’t mind how Jay can configure a rocket to spell out protest words in the sky but you DO wonder how people can see it in broad daylight?
by the way, the rocket releases an opaque substance during daytime. the nighttime version releases the fireworks display.
@Mr. L: the guys built a lot of far more sophistacted contraptions before, who knows what they will come up with next?
Btw, thanks for the clarification. So it’s a smoke bomb by day, pyrotechnic by night.
“..jay and harry did it at night.”