The best thing about basing a character from an actual person’s life is the surprising back story. Suppose a character reveals an unexpected fact about his life. In most cases, it would be treated as a retcon, as the factoid is never addressed before in the story.
In real life, however, anything is possible.
OMG! it’s a leaner nicer version of Brian…. shock of shocks!
Oh yeah, I remember this guy.
Jiro: the coño series is featured in Beerlenium.
i remember that series but he looks a lot like bryan here. 😛
hehehe.. psychocow laughing his udders out on bryan’s shoulder 🙂
sarahdg oo nga e hence my reaction… phoebe will research.
Waw, umaalon ang extra flab ni Rich Guy!
reviewed my beerlenium ala namang conyo ha? sa Beerkados kaya?
Jiro: Sorry, I forgot that the Coño series was included only in the earlier editiions of Beerlenium. L left it out of the re-issue. The coño guy (L never gave us his name) always looked like a richer version of Bryan, except he had an earring, and braces. the series used to be posted on the old site ( but I don’t think it’s there now.
In other words, only those who followed Beerkada from the beginning know this guy?
Lucky guys
so is it in the second beerkada book? *Hunting mode on*
Jopoy: ‘senior citizenship’ has its advantages.
Jiro: nope, it’s not in BeerkaDos either. I suppose you could just ask L to post them here. It’s only about 8 strips or so.
I left out the cono series in the later editions of Beerlenium? Must repost it on this site!
Lyndon: Ayan, tuloy, akala tuloy ng mga readers mo si Bryan yung kinakausap, hindi si Cow.
Elize: Keena Keena?
Kilala ba ni PeeCee si Elize? XD
Retikano is one of the cheers of the DLSU Pep Squad.
peecee: is that’s what’s happening? that explains a lot.
weird akala ko reissue yung nasa akin.
L Please and thank you that would be of great help
L: the foreword of your later-issue Beerlenium notes that you left out the Coño series and to look for it on the official beerkada site 🙂 I guess you have to repost those for the youngsters.
Phoebe hats off to you the original Beerkada Living Encyclopedia
Jiro: thanks for the title. Kenmikaze also called me the Human Beerkada Archive sometime back. Maybe I can add those to my resumé. It would be pretty cool, don’t you think? 😉
Lol, makakalimutin na si Sir L…Ahhh, Beerlenium first ed, the first issue I read…after nabbing it from one of my highschool prof’s desk…LOL
you should start a beerkadawiki if there isn’t one already. 🙂
sarahdg: Beerkada already has an official website, a Beerkadet Forum, and a Twitter account. I think we’re all set, ‘net-wise. Besides, I’m technologically inept 🙂
WIkis are not started by the actual person of the topic but by other people to give it an objective view.
sarahdg: Chompy just proved my point on why I shouldn’t start a beerkadawiki.
1) I don’t even know exactly what a wiki is, and
2) When it comes to Beerkada, I’m not objective. 😀
lol @ cheerdance finals.
kung college yung cheerdance, fallacy na itetch.
Phoebe have to correct you there dear, you’re qualified to make a Beerkadawiki because:
1) Chompy has already told you what a wiki is, and besides wikis are basically what the person knows about the subject matter hence wiki (What I Know Is)
2) Most people who make wikis for their favorite character/series aren’t objective either since they are fans, the objectivity in question here is whether the wiki was made by the person who was not the creator of said series (hence third party and hence objectivity)
well we should start one lol. nahihirapan na tayo maalala mga supporting cast sa beerkada.
parang ganito or i love the heroes one very informative. 😛
Jiro and Sarahdg: if you guys start it, I’ll help with the content. I’m useless when it comes to programming, formatting, and layouting.