Doctor – end Nov25 by Lyndon on November 25, 2009 at 6:16 am Chapter: Beerkada Comics Annnd Bryan lands on his itchy feet. └ Tags: Bryan, cheesecake, chicks, diabetes, frappucino, waiter
Well, he can still enjoy that and other sweet stuff by joining Glenn in running a few rounds at the ULTRA
bite your tounge Tora^2, the big man, running? Unthinkable. Methinks he’ll just go for a marathon of bedroom gymnastics knowing our resident sugary Chick boy.
Pwede rin but then I doubt gets any to bed given his Call Center work sched
Try cinnamon on your coffee, Bryan. Supposed to bring down blood sugar levels.
Cinnamon buns do not count. Particularly if they are from Cinnabon.
Why not just KISS a couple of girls…?
He can still have his sugar in some way or another… 😀
Rodney – Not the same for one such as Bryan. Bitin.
Worst case scenario for the new diabetic: ants on your snot.
at first i though it was aids before i know it was diabetes
wow that nerdy glassed girl looks hot, but taking her on a date is gonna cost me a lot