There are rumors that say professional wrestling is faked.
There are also rumors that the moon landings were faked.
What chance is left that our beloved moon wrestling is real? 🙁
There are rumors that say professional wrestling is faked.
There are also rumors that the moon landings were faked.
What chance is left that our beloved moon wrestling is real? 🙁
Moon wrestling?! Well they say if you combine two fake things you make an even bigger fake. 😀
like madame president’s breasts.
yeah… except moon wrestling isn’t so life threatening and obnoxious
So that’s one small step for man. One giant leap for slam bang wrestling entertainment!
At least we can rest easy in the established facts that Obama is a secret muslim and that pollution is good for babies. Apir! Ye!
Don’t forget the other established facts like the CIA is the mastermind for the JFK and Ninoy Assassination and that they are merely the front for the Illuminati that Toothpaste contains a drug that makes your mind susceptible to info-mercials and that Elvis, Micheal Jackson, FPJ and Kurt Cobain aren’t really dead. :))